One of the crucial legal issues emerging within the digital era is that of online defamation and libel law. This is due to the ease with which any individual can publish material online.
I have previously posted about the need for all businesees to use the web but we have to be aware of the potential dangers as well. The worldwide reach of print media, broadcasting, and the Internet has made ignorance about the laws of far-away jurisdictions a here-and-now liability. Publishers, journalists, and authors(including bloggers) can be sued successfully for breaching legal standards thousands of miles away.
A book which seeks to address these issues is International Libel and Privacy Handbook which is edited by Charles Glasser.
As the publishers describe the book, it is a nation-by-nation summary of libel and privacy law, written in straightforward language accessible to journalists and editors. It is presented in an easy-to-use format designed for rapid analysis of media law as it applies to globally accessible publications, Internet sites, broadcasting, and wire services.
Contributions by legal experts in Europe, Asia, and the Americas explain the risks publishers should know about prior to publication, what steps editors and publishers should take to avoid legal conflicts, and what defences are available should they be confronted with a claim.
It can be purchased at the Bloomberg Press Bookstore or at